SRFL Geometry - Signal
SRFL Note - Note, Essay, Paper
SRFL Theory - Theory Garner
Geometrization Language - Geometrization
Sekinan Library - Old Portal Founded 1986
Sekinan Research Field of Language - Old Portal Founded 2003
Sekinan Study
Sekinan Essay
Sekinan Paper
Sekinan Archaeology - Levi-Strauss Claude
Sekinan MathBasis - Linguistic Circle of Prague
Sekinan Ideogram - Ideogram
Quantum-Nerve Theory - Quantum-Nerve Theory
SQGL - Algebraic Quantum Group
Sekinan Geometry - Portal
Sekinan Geometry Index
Sekinan Library - Portal
Sekinan Essay 2022
Sekinan Paper 2022
Sekinan Early - Early Paper
Sekinan Middle - Middle Paper
Sekinan Modern - Modern Paper
Sekinan Citation - Study Background
Sekinan Energy - Energy-Nerve Theory. Nerve 1
Sekinan Nerve - Geometrization-Nerve Theory. Nerve 3
Sekinan Signal - Signal-Nerve Theory. Nerve 2
ENSILA - Signal
ENSILA Energy - Energy
SRFL Data -Table
SRFL News - Paper
Sekinan Data
Sekinan Energy - Energy-Nerve Theory
Sekinan Nerve - Geometrization-Nerve Theory
Sekinan Signal - Signal-Nerve Theory
Sekinan Table - Paper
Sekinan View - Essay, Letter
atbankofdam - Paper
SRFL has uploaded the papers on language universals since 2003, when the site name was using sekinan.org.
Now its name is not adopted by not-using the self-managed website.
From 2014, I have mainly used Weebly site titled Sekinan initials. So crowned Sekinan sites contain mainly early papers and essays although being renewed appropriately. Also I have used Wix site for invitation being named SIL initials.
But the papers have gradually increased. In 2016 I have newly used Webnode site for the reason storing up more papers easily. Webnode sites are titled mainly SRFL initials, which papers are from Middle to Present.
Besides Weebly and Webnode, I have used Website, Site 123 for simplified and invitational sites, so these sites are almost Modern papers and essays and understandable invitation articles to the study of language. Contained papers are rather few but probably more readable, especially to the first visiting learners of language problems, naming is ENSILA for Website and Sekinan for Site 123.
Now I have used Webnode for garner of papers and essays. Site123 is for classification by themes. Webnode's SRFL is adopted to invitational site for the time being.
3 September 2020
28 January 2022
12 February 2022
22 February 2022
Sekinan Library
Preparation for the energy of language
21/08/2015 12:27
The energy of language seems to be one of the most fundamental theme for the further step-up study on language at the present for me. But the theme was hard to put on the mathematical description. Now I present some preparatory papers written so far.
Read more: https://srfl-paper.webnode.com/news/preparation-for-the-energy-of-language/
Energy Distance Theory
03/05/2016 20:17
1 Energy and Distance
2 Heat and Diffusion
3 Energy and Functional
4 Finsler Manifold and Distance
1 Word and Meaning Minimum
2 Geometry of Word
8 July 2015
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Read more: https://srfl-paper.webnode.com/news/energy-distance-theory/
Leading Paper
Quantum-Nerve Theory With References 2019
Leading Paper 2
What is signal? Total Edition 21 November 2018-23 April 2019
What is signal? Contents 24 April 2019
Leading Essay
In the 21st century, language will definitely become one of the most important themes and targets of mathematics
for us all
Memorial Essay
Language between Sergej Karcevskij and string theory, one century's trace
Ideogram Essay
Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Site name was changed for studying new theory, Energy-Nerve Theory
10 October 2021
Nerve Theory
Specialised Site
Main Paper
What is signal? Contents 24 April 2019
What is signal? Total Edition 21 November 2018-23 April 2019
Fundamental Paper
Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003-2019 Newly revised edition with Note 3
Sekinan Library
founded in 1986.
SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language
succeeds Sekinan library in 2003.
Working subject is Quantum Group Language that is based on
Deformation quantization of Poisson manifolds
by M. Kontsevich
Another working site is
Geometrization Language that is based on Geometrization conjecture
by W. P. Thurston
4 December 2015
16 August 2019
28 April 2021
Paper chronologically arranged Blogger
Memorial Paper
Language between Sergej Karcevskij and string theory, one century's trace
Preparatory paper for Quantum Group
Place where Quantum of language Exists 2004
1. Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group 2008
2. Symplectic Language Theory Note 6 Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by KONTSEVICH 2009
3. Floer Homology Language Note 7 Quantization of Language 2009
4. Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language 2009
5. Simplicial Space Language Composition of Word 2013
1. Floer Homology Language 2009
2. Homology Structure of Word 2009
3. Quantization of Language 2009
4. Discreteness of Language 2009
5. Proto Arithmetic Geometry Language 2009
6.Language, Word, Distance, Meaning and Meaning Minimum 2009
1. Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Note added 2003
2. Quantum Theory for Language 2004
3. Quantum Theory for Language Theoretical Summarization and Problem in Future 2004
4. Noncommutative Distance Theory Note 2 C*-Algebra 2007
5. Kac-Moody Lie Algebra 2008
Ideogram Paper
1. On Time Property Inherent in Characters 2003
2. Ideogram 2005
4. ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren 2015
5. Essence of Language 2016
6. The Days of Decipherment 2016
7. The Days of Ideogram 2017
8. The Days of Ideogram Note added Edition 2017
9. The comparison between 2003 and 2017
From Chinese character's meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals 2017
10. Time and Shape of Language from How is the time alive in language 2017
11. Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry 7th edition 2017
12. Letter to Y. Of the century of language 2018
13. Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th edition 2018
14. Determination of the concept, Broad Language 2018
Overview Paper
2. Operad Meaning Theory From Cell to Operad Revised Edition 2013
3. Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry 7th edition 2017
4. Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002 / I briefly wrote about the conjecture 2017
5. The comparison between 2003 and 2017
From Chinese character's meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals 2017
6. Mathematical description for three elements of language universals 2017
Concept Paper
1. Letter to Y. Of the century of language 2018
2. Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th Edition 2018
3. Determination of the concept, Broad Language 2018
Archive of Paper
1. Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper 7th Edition 2018
2. Zoho paper by year 2016
What is Ideogram? Winding lanes to Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019
30/10/2021 19:21Article archive Theory and Paper 2003-2021
30/10/2021 19:15Letter to WPM From Quantum Theory for Language to David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 7 June 2020
13/05/2021 17:42Additional meaning and embedding
04/05/2021 17:59Letter to WPM. On Nerve Theory. 29 April 2021. References 1. 2. and 3. added 30 April 2021.
30/04/2021 18:33Ideogram Paper 1-18 With Addition. Total Edition
11/08/2020 16:54Sekinan Library was founded in 1986, where Oriental language has been researched. SRFL is the abbreviation of Sekinan Research Field of Language, which was founded in 2003 and has succeeded sekinan Library's research work mainly focused on language universals. SRFL has aimed to make a new model being considered since August 2015, assisted by the great work of Grisha Perelman. Since 2018 new theory QNT Quantum-Nerve Theory has been written till now 2020.
The theory is based on energy in language that is quite fantastic themes for me for long time.
1 February 2016
11 March 2020 Renewed
QNT Quantum- Nerve Theory
Weebly's specialized Site
Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper Sixth Edition
Topic Paper1.Mathematical description for three elements of language universals
At least three elements for language universals2.Time and Shape of Language
How is the time alive in language
Ideogram Paper
1. On Time Property Inherent in Characters 2003
2. Ideogram 2005
3. Egyptian Hieroglyph Exhibition, Journey through the Afterlife Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead by The British Museum 2012
4. ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren 2015
5. Essence of Language 2016
6. The Days of Decipherment 2016
7. The Days of Ideogram 2017
8. The Days of Ideogram Note added Edition 2017
9. The comparison between 2003 and 2017
From Chinese character's meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals 2017
10. Time and Shape of Language from How is the time alive in language 2017
11. Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry 7th edition 2017
12. Letter to Y. Of the century of language 2018
13. Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th edition 2018
14. Determination of the concept, Broad Language 2018
15. Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 2018
16.Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th Text revised edition With Note 2019
1. Meaning minimum 2017 Edition
2. Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry
3. The comparison between 2003 and 2017 From Chinese character's meaning structure
to Homological algebraic model of language universals
4. Edward Sapir gave me a moment to study language universals together with Sergej Karcevskij
Overview 2
1. Essence of Language
2. The Days of Decipherment
3. The Days of Ideogram
1. Language between Sergej Karcevskij and string theory, one century's trace
2. Language between Sergej Karcevskij and string theory, one century's trace / Print Edition. PDF
Site Classification
SRFL - Main Portal
ANIF - Story. Resting Elbows Nearly Prayer. 2007
LT Pen - Story. To Winter. 2015
Papa Wonderful - Story. Papa Wonderful. 1999
SRFL Collection - Energy
SRFL Data - Introduction
SRFL Essay - Essay Garner
SRFL Lab - Signal
SRFL Note - Note, Essay, Paper
SRFL Paper - Paper Garner
SRFL Theory - Theory Garner
Geometrization Language - Geometrization
Sekinan Library - Old Portal Founded 1986
Sekinan Research Field of Language - Old Portal Founded 2003
Sekinan Archaeology - Levi-Strauss Claude
Sekinan MathBasis - Linguistic Circle of Prague
Sekinan Ideogram - Ideogram
Quantum-Nerve Theory - Quantum-Nerve Theory
SQGL - Algebraic Quantum Group
Sekinan Geometry - Portal
Sekinan Library - Portal
Sekinan Early - Early Paper
Sekinan Middle - Middle Paper
Sekinan Modern - Modern Paper
Sekinan Fresh - Essay
Sekinan Table - Essay, Paper
Sekinan Story - Story
Sekinan Energy - Energy-Nerve Theory. Nerve 1
Sekinan Nerve - Geometrization-Nerve Theory. Nerve 3
Sekinan Signal - Signal-Nerve Theory. Nerve 2
ENSILA - Signal
SRFL News - Paper Garner
Sekinan Energy - Energy-Nerve Theory. Nerve 1
Sekinan Nerve - Geometrization-Nerve Theory. Nerve 3
Sekinan Signal - Signal-Nerve Theory. Nerve 2
Sekinan Table - Paper Garner
atbankofdam - Paper Garner
SRFL has uploaded the papers on language universals since 2003, when the site name was using sekinan.org.
Now its name is not adopted by not-using the self-managed website.
From 2014, I have mainly used Weebly site titled Sekinan initials. So crowned Sekinan sites contain mainly early papers and essays although being renewed appropriately. Also I have used Wix site for invitation being named SIL initials.
But the papers have gradually increased. In 2016 I have newly used Webnode site for the reason storing up more papers easily. Webnode sites are titled mainly SRFL initials, which papers are from Middle to Present.
Besides Weebly and Webnode, I have used Website, Site 123 for simplified and invitational sites, so these sites are almost Modern papers and essays and understandable invitation articles to the study of language. Contained papers are rather few but probably more readable, especially to the first visiting learners of language problems, naming is ENSILA for Website and Sekinan for Site 123.
Now I have used Webnode for garner of papers and essays. Site123 is for classification by themes and writing times. Webnode's this SRFL is adopted to main invitational site for the time being. Tokyo
3 September 2020
4 September 2020 revised
Read more; SITE INDEX
31/08/2020 19:20
12/08/2020 11:55
11/08/2020 19:28
11/08/2020 18:37
10/08/2020 23:06
24/07/2020 17:14
09/07/2020 22:48
30/06/2020 14:32
28/06/2020 17:35
24/06/2020 18:50
23/06/2020 19:33
20/06/2020 22:55
20/06/2020 22:53
19/06/2020 23:04
10/06/2020 19:10
10/06/2020 16:53
08/06/2020 19:27
08/06/2020 19:04
08/06/2020 19:00
07/05/2020 19:12
26/04/2020 19:06
11/03/2020 16:51
08/05/2020 19:16
06/05/2020 22:31
06/05/2020 19:08
05/05/2020 22:47
05/05/2020 18:29
05/05/2020 18:28
04/05/2020 19:21
03/05/2020 19:34
03/05/2020 19:29
26/04/2020 17:36
26/04/2020 17:21
25/04/2020 22:55
25/04/2020 22:36
25/04/2020 22:33
25/04/2020 22:29
25/04/2020 22:24
24/04/2020 22:29
09/04/2020 20:02
07/04/2020 23:03
07/04/2020 22:56
07/04/2020 22:37
05/04/2020 19:51
02/04/2020 19:39
18/03/2020 22:24
18/03/2020 19:40
18/03/2020 19:39
11/03/2020 19:15
11/03/2020 17:39
11/03/2020 17:35
11/03/2020 16:39
18/03/2020 22:37
11/03/2020 19:34
11/03/2020 19:18
11/03/2020 17:37
07/03/2020 19:29
23/02/2020 19:50
18/02/2020 23:01
17/02/2020 19:25
01/11/2019 15:50
01/11/2019 15:37
01/11/2019 15:32
01/11/2019 14:44
15/01/2019 22:28
15/01/2019 19:11
02/02/2016 16:43
01/02/2016 13:18
01/02/2016 13:15
27/11/2017 23:47
27/11/2017 23:44
27/11/2017 20:04
27/11/2017 20:00
11/11/2017 19:49
10/11/2017 18:29
01/02/2016 15:54
01/02/2016 15:38
01/02/2016 15:36
01/02/2016 15:33
01/02/2016 13:26
01/02/2016 13:24
31/01/2016 20:25
31/01/2016 20:20
16/02/2016 20:40
13/02/2016 18:40
12/02/2016 20:32
12/02/2016 13:54
08/02/2016 20:28
10/11/2017 19:13
02/11/2017 22:33
02/11/2017 22:27
16/02/2016 11:16
01/02/2016 13:01
20/02/2016 22:49
04/02/2016 19:45
04/02/2016 19:43
04/02/2016 19:39
01/02/2016 19:18
01/02/2016 15:52
Read more: https://geometrization-language.webnode.com/
1. File
2. Person
3. Place
4. Book
5. Term
6. Paper
16 August 2016 - 16 September 2016